The First On-Line Mail Order Book Shop for All Vexillium!
Books and CDs from all over Vexillium - Delivery everywhere in Vexillium
Largest offer of titles in Fränkisch (Gardlan, Jerman) language on Vexillium!

[[Try out all the links on this page! Some point to javascript applications. - Book titles are just for fun, some of them, however, with RL background. I'll try to explain them all with TECH notes.]]

Official Non-fiction Religion CDs Games Software Fiction/Poetry Children Videos

Official publications
and publications from public offices and institutions:

Official Guide Book to the Sultanate of Feniz
MDV 5/1 Rules of the Flag Etiquette
MDV 6/3 Royal Navy Flag Book
HDV 3/7 Air Force Roundels of Vexillium (preliminary edition)
Yellow Books

contain official information from the Fenizic Administration on different topics for dissemination to the public


How pretty and colourful

The life of a drug-addicted

Homo Politicus

Biographies of Fenizic politicians


Impassioned plea for the preservation of nature
Price contains donation to the

Rule, Zartania, Zartania Rule The Waves


Champoise - What Happened Really?

Episodic report

Economic Studies Vol. I - XXIII

Monography by the Economic Advisor to the Fenizic Administration Mr. Mike Ham Esq., Managing Director of the Mike Ham Economic Consultancy Inc., Utania
Special HARRIZBOOKS edition - special offer

Uhren die keiner mehr kauft[[after the book about the former German territories in modern Poland: "Namen die keiner mehr nennt"]]

Memories of a Civil War refugee (in Fränkisch)

Tragic End

Story of a demented

Wenn die Seele Hunger hat

Why we often simply eat when in reality needing love only

Understanding Economy

Everything you ever wanted to know about the secrets of how the money leaves your purse - by M. Dorf, scientific journalist

12th enhanced and enlarged edition[[ham = Dorf in German gives M. Dorf = Mike Ham, our esteemed Vexillium Director]]

Explaining Vexilli.Net

The ultimative guide to Feniz' leading ISP

Four Men In A Tent - how Feniz's policy was realigned

Episodic report

Wenn Zettel nicht mehr helfen

Easy-to-read report about a progressive memory defect (in Fränkisch)

SPECIAL! Religious:

Ed'Moun-i[[points, of course, at our esteemed Planet master Ed Mooney]]

True transscription of the holy book of the Fenizic Mounists as kept in the New or Abu Isa Mosque in Fenizabad

The Inspired Book Of Moun

The inspirations of His Holiness the Caliph Of All Faithful as disseminated in his Friday sermons

Compact discs:

Hail To You, Feniz

The National Anthem of Feniz

The Lighthouse Keeper (218 KB)

Poem written and read by David Harper
(text also published as book)

Oon'Bay-Woozt: Here And Away

I'm dreaming of another planet - Living in a virtual world - Wish you were here (on my own little star) - Bitmaps keep falling on my screen - Downtown (Geocity) - In the year three-o-five-three-o-five (if man is still on-line) - The night they shut old Vexi down (and all the people were flaming)

No need to comment on Feniz' greatest pop artist!

The Brewer's Sisters: The Kegshop Song

(Ulnovabad, you are the city) - Maxi-CD

The Mirth

All their CDs

Various artists from Somery

Selection of Somerish CDs

Oon'Bay-Woozt: It's My Life (334 KB)

Maxi-CD with his latest powerfull song

Jean Le Non: Imagine (You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one)

First maxi-CD of this promising Meritéan singer from Ulnovabad

Nena & Kim: Irgedwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann (Anyhow, Anywhere, Anytime)

Latest maxi-CD of the famous Ingallo-Fränkisch duo.

BA'AB: Money, Money, Money Must Be Funny (in a rich man's vex)

Maxi-CD, already twice paroded/parodized:

He'Hoo-Dussit: Mooney, Mooney, Mooney Isn't Loony, Is The Heart Of Vex


Calender Man: Monday, Monday, Monday Isn't Tuesday, Isn't Wednesday


The Brewer's Sisters: Bye Bye Miss Dascunyan Pie


Oon'Bay-Woozt: Huddled in a Vingarmark Café

CD-Single with the famous lines: "It's breaking my heart but I do what I must do. I hear Utania calling but I want to be with you."

The Royal Footguards Ceremonial Music Corps plays Popular Songs

CD - Live recording of the public concerts on the daily Changing of the Guard

Games zone:


Zartania Avenue too expensive? Start buying Feniz Lane first!


Test it on-line!

SULTAN'S SONS - junior edition

Simpler that the GOLD edition


Flag Signaller 2.1

Original Royal Navy software for training and examination of naval signal personnel

Fiction and poetry:[[Most of these titles stem from a habit of Bianca and me; in certain situations we utter a matching phrase and add "- new novel", meaning that the phrase is just suited as title of a novel, or that you could write a whole book about the situation. Other titles came out of a sudden sensation or feeling. If you read them you'll understand.]]

Nice Warm House-Shoes

Serene tale

Grey In Grey

Tragic tale

Schlimm, die kahlen Bäume

November tale (in Fränkisch)

I get heartache from this

Psychologic fiction

A Rainbow For Dreamdancers


A Wonderful Mummie

Family saga

A Cup Of Tea


The Parents Are In Church Right Now

Serene fiction

Lorenz Of Feniz

Historical fiction

Sengende Sonne, glühender Sand

Saga of Ancient Feniz (in Fränkisch)

Up Where We Belong

Airforce story

Unwashed Genitals

Song texts of Westrian star band CUFF

The Pearls Of The Stone Man

Fiction by H.M. King Edward II of Cruisana

Go to bed, it's getting late

Fiction from the world of computers

Hail Feniz - Patriotic poems

containing the famous Neolilianan poem The Lighthouse Keeper - (also available on CD - 218 KB)

Wer einmal bei den Engeln war, der kommt nicht mehr zurück / You Don't Return From A Visit To Heaven

Poetic novel
in Fränkisch - also available as an Ingallish translation
See following title for a sequel!

Die vergessenen Engel / Angels Forgotten

Tragic sequel of the afore-mentioned novel
in Fränkisch - also available as an Ingallish translation

Dying Of Hunger


Hungry Eyes, Empty Hearts


Forbidden Tears

Historic tale

Ladder To The Stars


And all of a sudden it ends

Tragic Fiction

Schwarze Stimme, weißes Haar / Black Voice, White Hair

Story of an unappreciated artist
Fränkisch original or Ingallish translation

Der Fluch des Habichts

Dramatic tale

Im Kampf mit der Jacke / Fighting the jacket

Historising comedy
Bi-lingual edition

Men Of Words

Historic fiction about past political leaders

The Power of Loving Cavies



The Adventures of the Black Rose

Thrilling crime stories for children

The Quest for the Lost Stocking

Adventure for children

Minge Seute

Pet adventure


Hey, Somebody's Reading This

Telling the life of a writer. Stage-videogram from the Fenizabad Stadt Theatre

Quest For Melissa (parts I and II)

Amusing detective story - a man makes a fool of himself trying to find out the identity of a vexillinet acquaintance

Special offer for both parts in a bundle

Fourtyeight Hours

Novel of a man tortured by the pure absence of any event

Phenixian style expressionistic movie - Director: Michel Jean Bon

Waiting for the train from Cèdre

Another Phenixian style expressionistic movie by Michel Jean Bon, based on the fact that there is no railway to Cèdre. With the title song "Phone Call From Eternity"

For What Am I An Engineer

There is always something left to be invented.  Fränkisch comedy at its best!

Angels' Danger / Engelsgefahr

Serene Altlandic production, also available in Fränkisch

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